Lavender essential oil is known for its many medicinal properties, is useful in case of insomnia, menstrual pain and cystitis. The essential oil extracted from lavender plant, exerts rebalancing action of the central nervous system, being at the same time tonic and sedative; calms anxiety, agitation, nervousness; relieves headaches and disorders caused by stress and in case of insomnia .
Lavender essential oil benefits
Antiseptic and antibiotic, very valuable remedy in the treatment of all colds - flu, coughs, sinusitis, catarrh.
Antispasmodic - calms abdominal pain and spasms and can be beneficial in cases of menstrual pain (avoid in case of heavy periods).
Antiseptic - diluted in intimate wash or inner lavenders, contrasts the affections of the genito-urinary system, such as cystitis.
Inflammatory analgesic - used in lotions and massage oils, it relieves pain caused by muscle sprains and rheumatism and helps the lymphatic stagnation caused by the presence of cellulite.
Healing - is used on the skin, even the skin of children as excellent remedy for burns, wounds, sores, brings relief in the presence of insect bites, sunburn, irritations caused by jellyfish.
Childhood disorders - is an excellent essence for children; colic, irritability, colds, nocturnal agitation, can be relieved by a massage on the neck or chest, with a few drops of essence put on your pillow or in the water humidifiers.
In all these cases it is advisable to use the essential oil of lavender inhaled or locally clutch. The lavender essential oil is considered safe, so there are no special precautions that must be followed.
it is important to remember that the improper use of essential oils can be harmful even when using oils, which are considered safe.
Originating in Southern and Western Europe, the Provencal lavender is the most popular, precious plant was already for the ancient Romans who put bunches of flowers in the water to the thermal baths.
Lavender was used even then as a base for fine perfumes and to prepare decoctions and infusions used for the beauty of skin and hair. In a more recent past we know that in every house of the city or country there were bags of lavender to scent linen and keep moths away. This delicate habit is returning now fashionable and reminds us of ancient traditions and cleaning sensations and care for the house.
The French chemist Rene Maurice Gattefosse, who is credited with the invention of the term (aromatherapy) in 1928 contributed to the resurgence of the use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, he noticed that the essential oil of lavender, he was using perfume mixtures, he had remarkable ability to heal wounds from burns.
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