Daily foot care

 Foot care should take place on a daily basis and thus form part of the daily routine of one's personal hygiene. At least once a day it is good to wash your feet and inspect the entire surface of the epidermis of the foot and toes in order to assess their state of health. Any problems that we may find are usually redness, cracks, swelling, hardening, ingrown nails, cuts, and micro-lesions. Wash your feet Your feet need to be washed with warm water and mild soap every day. The temperature of the water is important because if it is too high or too low it can lead to more foot problems than it benefits. The body temperature of 37 degrees is the most suitable value as the temperature of water in which to immerse the feet. Subsequently, the choice of soap is important because it must respect the pH of the body and thus avoid it being too aggressive. There are herbal soaps or you can wash your feet even without soap using only a soft sponge and your hands. On the epidermis of the foot, t...

Bach flowers in cases of anxiety

Flower therapy works on the different forms of anxiety states, derived from difficult transitional times that the individual goes through in the course of his life; in other cases, anxiety is linked to negative attitudes character of his personality. In times of acute anxiety Rescue Remedy immediately attenuates more hassles.

Agrimony: suitable for the anxiety caused by an inner torment that hide from others. Who suffers mask the problems to others using a functional façade joy to dodge conflicts and discussions. The flower helps to address the problems by curbing the tendency to hide them for fear of not being accepted, donating serenity and optimism in dealing with them.

Walnut: the anxiety that comes a stressful event or a change of life. The remedy helps in times in which to break old ties, associations, and lifestyles may give rise to anxiety, instability, confusion and uncertainty to the decisions taken. The remedy gives constancy, decision and determination, adaptability, no regrets.

White Chestnut is the remedy for the anxiety caused by circular thoughts, of which we find no solution. Who suffers for a period it is to suffer their thoughts, unable to dominate them, mulling relentlessly on past traumas. The flower helps to hold off the obsessive thoughts, promoting relaxation and peace of mind.

Aspen: the remedy for the anxiety and apprehension caused by vague fears. These individuals live with a sense of constant threat of fatal omens and unmotivated, while waiting for an imminent catastrophe, of an impending doom. The remedy gives courage, helping to overcome the anxiety and fears.

Elm: the remedy for anxiety caused by excessive responsibilities. Sufferer who never draws back, or facing an emergency, is not afraid of the hard work, but ends up asking too much to himself. The flower helps to manage stress and recharge energy.

Impatiens: the remedy for anxiety from anticipation. Living with this kind of disorder such as those who are easily impatient at traffic lights, because he is terrified of being wasting her time. The person who falls into this category often suffers from insomnia the night, mentally anticipating the commitments the next day. The flower helps ease the tension and spasmodic teaches to accept the natural flow of life and his times.

Scleranthus: for anxiety caused by indecision between two possibilities. The person who suffers from it swings from one extreme to the other, and in the grip of uncertainty, it is unsure of what decision to take between two alternative or two possibilities. The flower helps to save the scale of values and priorities in order to arrive then to make a decision.

Red Chestnut: for anxiety that something bad might happen to loved ones. This flower is useful for those who consider life a threat, forgetting himself and his needs, fears and cares only about the health of others, with loss of balance and serenity. The flower used to control anxiety and manage more rationally the overprotective that generates apprehension.


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