Daily foot care

 Foot care should take place on a daily basis and thus form part of the daily routine of one's personal hygiene. At least once a day it is good to wash your feet and inspect the entire surface of the epidermis of the foot and toes in order to assess their state of health. Any problems that we may find are usually redness, cracks, swelling, hardening, ingrown nails, cuts, and micro-lesions. Wash your feet Your feet need to be washed with warm water and mild soap every day. The temperature of the water is important because if it is too high or too low it can lead to more foot problems than it benefits. The body temperature of 37 degrees is the most suitable value as the temperature of water in which to immerse the feet. Subsequently, the choice of soap is important because it must respect the pH of the body and thus avoid it being too aggressive. There are herbal soaps or you can wash your feet even without soap using only a soft sponge and your hands. On the epidermis of the foot, t...

Colorful food

For some time it is determined that the colors may help the body to speed up and improve some mechanisms naturally. But not many know that colors can influence hunger and satiety sensations, as well as mood. The diet of colors represent an important source of well-being for our health, contributing to the proper functioning of the human organism. Fruits and vegetables have a wide range of colors, which are associated with specific properties. Therefore it is important that the colors are variously represented, because different colors are the expression of different biochemical constituents, all important especially in the first years of life in which the growth of the various organs and apparatus, to be optimal, it requires correct intake of a large amount different nutrients .

In chromotherapy, the natural color of food plays an important role in maintaining health and reducing the risk of cancer.
In fact it was shown that antioxidants, which are regularly found in fruits and vegetables, significantly reduce the risk of getting cancer.
The American Cancer Society points out in this regard that there is no food or substance that can completely protect us from disease, but for better prevention you should take five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, characterized by a red pigment, yellow-orange , green, blue-purple and white.


Fruits and vegetables red, stand out for their antioxidant properties and the ability to prevent cancers and cardiovascular diseases. The lycopene content in tomatoes and watermelon in fighting breast cancer and ovarian cancer in women and the prostate in man.

Anthocyanins and carotenoids, which are particularly rich strawberries cherries and blood oranges, are a great help in the treatment of diseases of the blood vessels and capillary fragility.

Red foods are rich in vitamin C, favor the production of collagen, maintain the most intact blood vessels, stimulate the immune system and wound healing. Vitamin C is also responsible for the absorption of iron content in fruits and vegetables.

Orange Colour

Fruits and yellow-orange vegetables help prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease and cellular aging, enhancing even the view.

The secret are the flavonoids, which act mainly in the gastrointestinal area, neutralizing the formation of free radicals. Even the high content of beta-carotene protects the body from damage due to the presence of free radicals. Moreover, it is absorbed with fats without risk of overdose, as can instead occur through excessive use of dietary supplements. Beta-carotene also has a powerful action pro vitamin and antioxidant and is a precursor of vitamin A, important for growth, reproduction, maintenance of tissues and immune function. Peppers, lemons and oranges, especially rich in vitamin C, have a high antioxidant function and contribute to the production of collagen. Finally, anthocyanins contained in these foods (especially oranges) have anti-inflammatory, anticancer and anticoagulant.

Chromotherapy orange is a color (warm) and is the result of the combination of red and yellow rays, lying halfway between these two colors, has heating action, exhilarating and energy in the diet and helps to assimilate better foods and to solve problems of digestion, while yellow is an energy type (hot), but it is lighter than red, is the suitable color to help digestion because it stimulates the production of gastric juices and purifies the intestines, reducing abdominal bloating.


Chlorophyll, in charge of green fruits and vegetables, has a powerful antioxidant, while the carotenoid content in these foods help the body defend itself and prevent coronary heart disease and many types of cancer; also they are responsible for the sight and the development of epithelial cells. These foods are particularly rich in magnesium, a very important mineral that promotes the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, stimulates the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium, adjusts the pressure of the blood vessels and the impulse transmission nervous. The green leafy vegetables are a great source of folic acid and folate, which are useful as a preventive tool against atherosclerosis, and in the case of infants, the risk of incomplete closure of the spinal canal during pregnancy. Broccoli, parsley, spinach and kiwi are very rich in vitamin C, and promote the absorption of iron content in fruits and vegetables, have antioxidant properties and help prevent cardiovascular disease, neurological and cancer.

For the green color therapy it is at the heart of the cold and the warm colors, and then performs a balancing function, is the color of nature, symbol of renewal, of balance, of hope.
In the diet it is recommended for those who tend to eat too fast as it helps to slow down during meals.


The purple-blue foods, in addition to protecting the view (blueberry) and prevent cardiovascular epatologie tumors, contributing to a proper urinary function (berries). Anthocyanins play an important antioxidant action and defend the body against diseases due to poor blood circulation, protecting the capillaries; prevent atherosclerosis caused by high cholesterol levels and inhibit platelet aggregation. Currants and chicory, in addition to the antioxidant properties due to the presence of vitamin C, involved in collagen formation. Radicchio, also contains beta-carotene and vitamin A precursor, as well as figs, currants, blackberries and plums, potassium, which protects the bone tissue and fights cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Eggplant, however, are rich magnesium, with IL advantage of possessing very few calories. Fruits and vegetables violet-blue, finally, are rich in fiber and carotenoids, active against neuro-degenerative diseases and skin aging.

Chromotherapy blue is the color of calm, infinity, peace, serenity and harmony; It has strong soothing properties, and is useful to dampen hunger; while the purple color (cold) is a good color for those who are dieting, because it calms the feeling of hunger: the purple foods (berries, eggplant, etc.) are rich in antioxidants.


Fruits and vegetables from white strengthen the bone and lungs. Quercetin contained in these foods, is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from the risk of tumors. Rich in vitamins, fiber, potassium and other minerals, also contain isothiocyanates, excellent preventive tool against cellular aging. Garlic, onions and leeks also contain the allilsolfuro, which makes the blood more fluid. Selenium (found mainly in mushrooms) helps prevent hypertension and anemia.

Chromotherapy white is the color symbol of purity and peace in the diet white foods (milk and rice) help to cleanse the body. Not, however, forget the black, color loved by rebellious spirits and who wants to be a leader. The black stimulates the erotic, creates mystery and increases the sense of risk, not only in foods (eg chocolate), but even if used to set the table. It has a strong erotic significance, despite the black symbolically is the color that absorbs and cancels the energy.


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