Ginger essential oil toning the entire body. If inhaled balances the energies that are not in harmony. It helps to wake up and warm the senses dormant, improves concentration and judgment. In ancient Greeks and Romans imported ginger in the Red Sea area and knew its important medicinal properties as well as use it as a spice.
Antinauseants useful to prepare for long and tiring trips because it decreases anxiety; is used as a moderator in motion sickness (by passive movement disorders like airsickness, sea and car), and against nausea from growth hormones, present in the first months of gestation. Ginger appears to have no side effects, while many anti-motion sickness medications cause drowsiness. This makes the essential oil of ginger an effective alternative for the treatment of nausea in general especially the morning of pregnancy.
Painkiller, diluted in a vegetable oil ... and massaged, is effective against rheumatic pain, muscle stiffness due to trauma, sprains, strains backache, headache and stiff neck. It has rubefacient action (that determines the blood booster in the upper layers of the skin, heating the area and easing inflammation to their underlying layers due to blood removal). Gives warmth to the body after an intense exposure to cold.
Digestive Ginger balances and stimulates the digestive functions, it is used as a carminative to eliminate intestinal gas, it is useful in cases of diarrhea.
Antiviral is a potent antibiotic against virus infections microbes and bacteria, effective against fever, cold, cough.
Aphrodisiac ginger has a strong stimulating masculine.
Contraindications ginger essential oil
No contraindications. However before taking the product for internal use, consult a herbalist; like all essential oils, in fact, it may be irritating to the mucous membranes.
Ginger is used in the East for thousands of years, both for flavor and flavor foods, and as a medicinal remedy for various ailments. In Thailand they are applied tablets and ginger root poultices, pounded and mixed with other herbs, for states very frequent painful joint and muscle in the sphere of Muay Thai the art of Thai boxing. Ginger is also used for its energizing power and energizing, in all conditions of weakness and physical exhaustion.
In traditional Chinese medicine the root is called Gan-jiang and is considered an effective tonic Yang, employed just to reinforce the masculine energies, focus and vitality, to treat male impotence and fatigue.
In Ayurvedic medicine, it is connected to the element Fire (Agni) linked to the spleen functions. Even today in many Asian countries using the fresh rhizome in states of fatigue, to relieve toothache, rheumatic pains, colds, malaria and all those who are called "wet states" such as diarrhea or excess mucus.
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