Daily foot care

 Foot care should take place on a daily basis and thus form part of the daily routine of one's personal hygiene. At least once a day it is good to wash your feet and inspect the entire surface of the epidermis of the foot and toes in order to assess their state of health. Any problems that we may find are usually redness, cracks, swelling, hardening, ingrown nails, cuts, and micro-lesions. Wash your feet Your feet need to be washed with warm water and mild soap every day. The temperature of the water is important because if it is too high or too low it can lead to more foot problems than it benefits. The body temperature of 37 degrees is the most suitable value as the temperature of water in which to immerse the feet. Subsequently, the choice of soap is important because it must respect the pH of the body and thus avoid it being too aggressive. There are herbal soaps or you can wash your feet even without soap using only a soft sponge and your hands. On the epidermis of the foot, t...

Laurel essential oil

Laurel essential oil (obtained from Laurus nobilis) is appreciated for its digestive properties and balancing, useful against stress and anxiety. The laurel is dioecious, that is, there are male and female specimens. The bright yellow flowers, gathered to form an inflorescence umbrella, appear in spring. The fruits are shiny black drupe (when ripe) with a single seed.

Laurel essential oil benefits

Stimulating, active energy gently inhaled, strengthens the powers of concentration and memory; develops creativity; calms the fears and anxiety. When you lack confidence in yourself, you are afraid of public speaking, fear of not being up or fail to achieve its aims: it promotes psychic awareness and intuition. Useful in case of nervous exhaustion, fatigue and stress.

Rebalancing of the skin, restores the balance in sebaceous dermatitis, which often are the cause of acne and inflammation. remedy effective to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss. Rubbed with regularity and consistency on the scalp, it stimulates microcirculation, favoring the oxygenation and nourishment of the tissues, counteracting the alopecia.

Digestive, 2 drops of essential oil of bay leaves in a teaspoon of honey taken with food, it helps digestion and soothes the stomach pains. If diluted in vegetable oil and massaged on the abdomen, it plays relaxing effect on the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal system. Useful when there are spasms, irritable bowel, and to eliminate the gases that cause bloating and flatulence.

Laurel essential oil is contraindicated in pregnancy and should be used in moderation, because high doses can be narcotic, or cause dermatitis.

Laurel in History

For the Ancients was the tree sacred to the Sun-Apollo, its leaves crowning the head of heroes, geniuses and wise.

The Greeks believed that its leaves have authority to communicate the gift of divination, to ward off bad luck and contagious diseases. At Delphi, home of the oracle of Apollo, the priests of the god or chewing of laurel leaves were burning to establish communication with the Gods, were sleeping on mattresses made of layers of laurel twigs to support the premonitory dreams.

In the myth of the nymph Daphne, whose name means precisely laurel, it was the first love of the god Apollo. The young to escape God's courtship, he became transformed by the mother Gea (the Earth), into a laurel tree. God, now powerless, decided to honor this plant making evergreen and make him holy. From that moment on, the men would have endeavored as a symbol of glory, to be placed on the head of the best, those capable of exciting feats.

Also in Rome he was considered the sign of the triumph, so that the victorious generals he wore a crown made with its branches, when they were celebrated on the Capitol. The story goes that it was Jupiter himself to give it to Caesar to celebrate the victories of the emperor.


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