Daily foot care

 Foot care should take place on a daily basis and thus form part of the daily routine of one's personal hygiene. At least once a day it is good to wash your feet and inspect the entire surface of the epidermis of the foot and toes in order to assess their state of health. Any problems that we may find are usually redness, cracks, swelling, hardening, ingrown nails, cuts, and micro-lesions. Wash your feet Your feet need to be washed with warm water and mild soap every day. The temperature of the water is important because if it is too high or too low it can lead to more foot problems than it benefits. The body temperature of 37 degrees is the most suitable value as the temperature of water in which to immerse the feet. Subsequently, the choice of soap is important because it must respect the pH of the body and thus avoid it being too aggressive. There are herbal soaps or you can wash your feet even without soap using only a soft sponge and your hands. On the epidermis of the foot, t...

Swollen belly 5 remedies

Swollen belly is a nuisance due to the foods that cause the formation of gas. it is important to follow a proper diet, varied and healthy. And maybe try the 5 most effective remedies for swollen belly.


Improves digestion and decreases puffiness. Stimulate the motility of the stomach and intestines. They have action against the fermentation of food. Excellent tea, too cold, to take with you and drink during the day.


With proper precautions, is an excellent remedy for absorbing the excess gas, but also water, which makes it useful also in case of diarrhea. It is in the form of capsules or tablets to be taken with plenty of water.
It is able to absorb even holding them some toxic substances, thus being used as a real cure. But be careful: binds to himself even any medications, decreasing the effectiveness, therefore it is good to hear your doctor if you intend to use alongside other treatments.


Spice from very pleasant spicy flavor, it has a powerful anti-nausea effect, helps digestion and thus helps eliminate bloating after meals.
Add ginger powder to legume dishes, to improve digestibility, or take tea with fresh ginger hot water (and lemon).

Lactic ferments and probiotics

In our digestive system is going through a real organ, said microbiota, consisting of microorganisms, bacteria and yeast, which help us to digest, assimilate nutrients and produce vitamins.

However, if an antibiotic or poor nutrition therapy, destroy this, commonly called bacterial flora, bad digest, the fermented foods in the gut resulting in the production of gas and bloating.
Help restore the good bacteria with fermented foods such as yogurt, miso, and kefir, or supplementing with probiotic capsules, if the situation so requires.

Avoid foods that cause bloating

Often there are foods that cause bloating and abdominal discomfort.
They can be different from person to person, but in most cases belong to three large groups: milk and dairy products, gluten, yeast. Try to decrease the consumption and see if you feel better. Maybe yes!


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