Daily foot care

 Foot care should take place on a daily basis and thus form part of the daily routine of one's personal hygiene. At least once a day it is good to wash your feet and inspect the entire surface of the epidermis of the foot and toes in order to assess their state of health. Any problems that we may find are usually redness, cracks, swelling, hardening, ingrown nails, cuts, and micro-lesions. Wash your feet Your feet need to be washed with warm water and mild soap every day. The temperature of the water is important because if it is too high or too low it can lead to more foot problems than it benefits. The body temperature of 37 degrees is the most suitable value as the temperature of water in which to immerse the feet. Subsequently, the choice of soap is important because it must respect the pH of the body and thus avoid it being too aggressive. There are herbal soaps or you can wash your feet even without soap using only a soft sponge and your hands. On the epidermis of the foot, t...

Thyme cream cures colds

Thyme cream cures colds, coughs, fever. Thyme cream is a cosmetic or medicinal product that contains balsamic essential oils useful in case of cooling, feverish states, muscle tiredness and skin problems.

Generally the thyme cream is prepared using: thyme essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, mint essential oil, to which lavender essences, camphor orange tea tree and others can also be added.

The use of thyme cream for colds, coughs or fever is very simple, since it is sufficient to massage the cream on the chest and back once or twice a day, preferably before going to sleep.

Similarly in case of tearing pain or muscle fatigue, it is possible to get relief from massages with the thyme cream to be carried out on the affected area.

In case of acne, you can use the thyme cream for pimples, especially if these are spread on the back or body, spreading a thin film of product on the areas to be treated.

Although it contains antibacterial essential oils, the thyme cream is not recommended for vaginal candida, unless it is a product specifically formulated for intimate areas.

Given the content in essential oils, it is preferable to consult the doctor before using the thyme cream during pregnancy, while breastfeeding or on children. Thyme cream is easily available on the market, in herbalists and in natural cosmetics stores, but it is It is also possible to prepare equally effective thyme ointment at home.

Homemade thyme cream

Preparing thyme cream at home is very simple since it has few ingredients and it takes a few minutes to make.


50 drops of sunflower oil
6 drops of beeswax
20 drops of thyme essential oil
10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
5 drops of mint essential oil


Melt the beeswax in a sun bath in sunflower oil, stirring occasionally.

When the mixture appears liquid and homogeneous, pour it into a clean, dry glass jar with a lid. Leave to cool, add the essential oils and mix lightly before closing the container.

Allow to cool for at least 24 hours before using thyme ointment,

The product can be kept for one to three months away from direct sources of light and heat: it is recommended to indicate the preparation date and the list of ingredients on the packaging.


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