Daily foot care
Swollen feet, a condition that can be the result of many different causes, mechanical, physiological but also environmental. It happens that some mornings you wake up more swollen than others. Legs and feet are often affected, but also hands and face. Why is this phenomenon happening? The anatomy of the feet is such that they are particularly prone to swelling. Far from the circulatory pump of the heart, subject to the force of gravity, supporting the whole weight of the body, it is easy for them to suffer from their incessant and important work.
Swollen feet natural remedies
Natural remedies can be very useful for preventing and resolving swelling in the feet that also occurs in the morning, in synergy with some healthy habits that require a minimum of effort but which lead to great results.
Sleeping with a pillow in the lower part of the mattress, so as to leave the feet slightly higher than the pelvis, favors venous return and relieves the ankles, be careful to keep the support also under the knees, so as not to leave a void under the popliteal cavity.
Evening footbath - the evening is a phase of the day in which we can devote a little more time to taking care of our person. Footbaths are a practice that should be introduced regardless of swelling of the feet and ankles. Dissolving some coarse salt in a basin of warm water allows you to activate an osmotic process that helps to move stagnation, drain both lymphatic and venous stasis and thus deflate heavy feet and ankles.
Hot and cold showering - we take advantage of the principle of Kneipp tubs, with alternating showers, from hot, vasodilating, decongesting and relaxing, to cold, vasoconstricting, astringent, toning. This practice activated in the evening before going to sleep helps to cool down the lower limbs, to improve venous and lymphatic circulation, to detoxify the tissues. It takes little time and also helps improve sleep quality.
Cold sponging on the body in the morning - if you have a little more time, the sponging on the whole body, performed in a heated environment, allow you to revitalize the whole body, and also tone the lymphatic and blood vessels, they oxygenate the tissues, allow a correct exchange of temperature between the most superficial and the deepest part of the body. They can be done with a towel dipped in cold water and properly rubbed on the parts starting from the bottom up.
Morning foot massage with essential oils - a mixture of cypress and fennel oil, added to base oil, and gently massaged into the feet and ankles upon awakening, up to the thighs and groin, gently and effectively drains the edema of the lower limbs, thanks to the circulatory properties of these essential oils, which reach deep and move the accumulated stagnation especially near the joints, ankles and knees in particular.
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